Monday, December 27, 2010

A journey

Our family is starting a new journey...and it is already proving to be an emotional one. 
To give you a little history, 12  years ago this week, I was admitted to hospital.  My youngest child (Max) was due to join in in a month but things were not going as planned.  My blood pressure was dangerously high and tests revealed that my kidneys were failing.  I had experienced pre-eclampsia in my previous pregnancy but this pregnancy had kicked it up to a new level.  The doctors decided that I was in bad shape and it was time to have a baby.  Along came Max, a month early and 8lbs 7ozs.  Later the doctors told me that to get pregnant again might put my life in danger.  We wanted more kids but we also wanted that they would have two parents to raise them.

Skip ahead 7 years...we had always wanted more kids but knew that having them the conventional way was out of the question.  We started fostering children and are still doing that.  We have added some wonderful people to our family, both children and adults. I have a wonderful friend made after her son was placed in our home. 
It's not always been smooth sailing but I wouldn't change it for the world.

A few weeks ago...we are starting new again.  We have put in our application to adopt.  God showed us a little guy and we have expressed our interest in having him be part of our family.  I have heard from his worker and received some information about him.  I can only refer to him as J as we aren't able to reveal any information about him at this time.
We also shared information about ourselves, which felt weird.  I felt like I was trying to sell myself.  A saleman I am not, so I hope I did ok and the worker liked what she heard.  Matt and I have discussed what we learned about the little guy and we are going to continue this pursuit.  So now we wait. The worker said she wanted to talk to her superviser and also to our resource worker about us.  She said she would call us back in January.  

In Ontario, there are 2 requirements for adoption. The adoptive parents have to do a 9 week course called PRIDE.  We are registered and will start in January.  A homestudy is also required and children's aid tells us we wait to hear whether we are a "match" for this child.  If we are deemed suitable parents then his adoption worker will request that our CAS do a homestudy (he lives a few hours away from us, so our society does the homestudy for convenience).

I am feeling positve that this is the child for us.  God has been very clear.  I pray that he works in that workers heart and shows her the same things he has shown us.  If you are reading this, would you please agree with us in prayer for the following things:  that the process is smooth and quick and that the worker decides we are the right family for J.


  1. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven". Blessings and praying for you :)

  2. Oh Stacey...I do hope that everything works out for your family!!! Praying for your family!!!

  3. praying that J would be in your home very soon!
