I am definately new to Blogging. I have friends who blog and their words are elegant, their thoughts refined. Mine won't be, but if you know me at all, you know you'll read what I am thinking, no holds barred.
I have been described as a bull in a china shop, I've been told I can be harsh. I'm sorry. I really do try not to offend and my opinion may be different from yours. That's ok. There is no rule that says we have to have the same opinion and if we don't...well I am pretty sure the sun will still rise in the morning and set at night. Lives will not be lost and I will continue to be your friend.
There is going to be no specific theme to this blog except for the day to day ramblings of my increasingly scattered mind. It may contain the conversations I have with myself (yes they are 2 sided and out loud, but I usually win any arguments that occur). It may be whatever happend to be forefront in my life that day/hour or minute moment of time.
So if you can put up with me, I hope you will read what I write, when I can write (I'm a mom of 4 so I'll be here when I can).
Looking forward to reading your ramblings :)