Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wow.  WE are adopting a child.  They are actually willing to give US a kid.

There has been a lot of information exchanged in various ways. There have been telephone calls, visits from workers, pictures, video, filling out of forms.  There will be more telephone calls, more forms, more meetings.

We have two more weeks of "adoption course" left  and our home study will be started in April, though we have already been filling out paperwork for it (references and medicals).

We will go to the child's CAS on April 7th to meet all the people involved with him, (workers, foster parent, daycare workers) and have a "Formal case disclosure" meeting.  We will get to have all his information and history and after the meeting we get to go meet him.  We imagine pre-placement visits will be set up at this point and then in a few months, he would be moving in with us.

As excited as I am, I sometimes still can't believe this is all happening.  Matt and I are discussing things like "Do we change his middle name to something of significance to our family"  "Which car seat do we want to buy".  It's so out of what our norm has been for the last several years. We will have a toddler in the house!

My heart sometimes feels like it is going to burst wide open.  Just seeing his pictures and video, I love him already.